Friday, February 3, 2012

Building and Architecture

Last week Libby did and amazing job teaching the kids all about how buildings are created. She also taught them about blue prints. The kids made blue prints and then made buildings out of toothpicks, marshmallows and sugar cubes. We all had a really good time! Thanks Libby!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fast and Slow

 Last week the kids learned all about FAST and SLOW. First, I told the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. I explained that slow and steady wins the race.

 Next, we went to the kitchen to see if we could make a smoothie by stirring the ingredients REALLY REALLY FAST. It didn't blend as well as they had hoped... :/ So I showed them what a powerful motor can do! I explained that with a little electricity and a strong moter we can make things go SUPER DUPER FAST! We made a green smoothie together and the kids were surprised how much they really like spinach!

 The motor was a little loud. :)
 Then we had a race to test our slow and steady concept. I had the kids run as fast as the could while I ran at a steady pace. Suprisingly,:) I was able to out run them. Although, Dylan gave me a run for my money! Kenna won the second race with Jake was close behind. The kids most definatly got their workout for the day, so did I!

 Finally, we talked about how we can make objects go fast or slow. All the kids made hypothesis about what would happen if we tried to go really slow on a bike. They also made hypothesis about what would happen if we put some crayons on the front of a paper airplane. Would it make it go faster or slower? They learned that a little weight in the front helped speed up the plane, but weight in the back was so good at all! I sure do love all of your kids! They were loads of fun to teach last week. I LOVE LITTLE LEARNERS!!!

Little Learners Christmas Style!

Miss Meredith and Miss Radene Had fun with the kids as we talked about Christmas.  Miss Meredith taught the kids about some symbols of Christmas.

Then we had some fun painting of salt dough ornaments. :-)

Then a christmas story....
And finally some crafting of graham cracker houses! Yum!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Amazing World of Color with Sister Armstrong

Sister Armstrong sure got the kids attention when she started the class dressed like this! They love it! And they all fought over her nose.

This picture is so awesome I had to put it in three times. :) Sister Armstrong is so fun!

She taught the kids how color is exciting and each color can make us feel different emotions.
She taught that there are three primary colors and all the other colors come from those three. She made some new colors in water with food coloring.

She showed the kids how color is everywhere. They looked at the colors of our food that Heavenly Father created. Then it was time for them to mix some colors of their own.

We saw some great combinations and ways to use the different colors.
Two girls in pink mixing purple.
They also tasted all of the colors until they were all gone! Except the green one of course.

Then they helped Sister Armstrong make some salt clay dough.
Braden is mixing up the magic.

Everyone was out of their seats as the salt dough came to a climax!
Now it was time to take the colors that they had mixed and make them into Chinese-ish lanterns. :)
Sister Armstrong treated everyone to a delicious pumpkin cookie to top of all the fun crafts they did.

Thanks Sister Armstrong, for such a fun activity!